College Da !!  

Posted by Navin in ,

Long time, but thats what your 3rd year of college is supposed to be all about. We are finally getting to learn what we actually came here for - Engineering and started leaving the sciences alone after 3 semesters of almost pure sciences. Call it different, call it new or call it whatever, but it is indeed truly bugging to have a system which gives you no clue whatsoever as to what you might do all your life till your almost there at the end of it and have truly madly lost interest. And boy when they come, they really want to hit you hard. I am pretty sure that any 3rd year BITSian would agree with me on the fact that the institute somehow manages to make a test schedule that saps the life out of you.

Now that I actually have a taste of engineering, I have reached a decision that I cannot be an engineer for nuts. At least thats what my course results have been telling me. With tests designed to test your speed at the calculator and permissible errors of upto 100 %, I am really wondering as to how different it is from what every school boy wants to become nowadays. At school I used believe that engineers are people who require intelligence, need to apply their brains and face something challenging to solve everyday.But the truth from whatever I seem to be learning so far looks nowhere near that. Its just a mundane thing where you should know which set of formulae you should refer to in a standard databook and this could well be the dream job that many of us had in our childhood.As of today, most of us around here, even those who took a particular discipline of engineering because it had been their dream since the day they took their first step have given up and decided that this is not going to be our forte.

And college life, well I am experiencing a completely different thing around here. Living in a village for 4 years with only your friends around and at many times not even them teaches you a lot of things. A new set of people to call friends, 3 years of lugging your own trunks, wounds and egoes around the place, cleaning your own room at the end of every year ( staring at all the junk and wondering what made you not throw it away then), "Interaction" sessions, growing from a rookie to novice to amateur to an almost professional at many things, College life ( - acads )is fun for most part of it. If not the books, I am pretty sure the maturity and independence we gain by the time we leave this place will help us throughout our lives to face challenges.


I have a critic who says my writing style is "uninteresting", can anybody else review it for me please. This is one of the fields at which I am still an amateur and would like to get better soon ( to add to the list of alternate professions that I can jump to - once they start calling me an Engineer :D ) .

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 13, 2007 at 9:16 PM and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Your writing style is good. You go along with the flow. Just try to edit it a little more.

October 18, 2007 at 10:27 AM

Thanks a lot. Editing..will try and do it more carefully.

October 18, 2007 at 10:59 AM

Very well put I could relate with you as I am in a similar sitn..The reason i am so pissed is cuz we're learnin stuff dats outdated and obsolete man.. hopefully i get to experience true engineerin in my next step at least!! Writing style is fine.. keep posting.

October 18, 2007 at 12:24 PM

yup..thats true. books have not changed since the 1980's or something and the profs too know nothing beyond their golden years..pretty pissing off. And yes, I shall keep posting .

October 18, 2007 at 12:30 PM

hehehe :) So much indignation spent. I like engineering though. I feel it requires loads of modelling, trying to get THE PERFECT FIT for data that makes it challenging. It is a vast and huge platform that has scores of things to do. I agree, we might not probably discover groundbreaking stuff like the solution to Reimann hypothesis, but gives each of us has a worktable and tools to toy with our ideas.

Here too, most of my friends do not like empiricism, they only want the EXACT, ANALYTICAL solution to Navier Stokes Equation!!! Academics apart, I think college life teaches you a lot of great things :D My neatness levels have gone really up!

But on the bad side, I have become more lazy, and less motivated... And I feel the interesting things are done quite late, when you are supposed to have decided what you want. I still have no clue :)

January 8, 2008 at 1:06 PM

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